Sunday, April 22, 2012


stealing glimpses,
secretly wishing,
silently gasping,
nervously sighing, 
how will i ever talk to you? 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

a comeback and how

keep looking but you won't find her now,
she took everything you threw at her and how,

its not about whether you're sorry and how,
lets just not go there now,

she'll build herself up to infinite heights,
this bitch doesn't just bark but bites,

Saturday, April 7, 2012

tell me what friendship is?

because i don't know.

is it what i feel for you?

like i have been told.

tell me what friendship is?

what do i expect?

how long does it last?

does it hurt like i suspect?

how will i know

if you're my friend.

and what will we be

when this ends?

tell me because i don't know,

will we be strangers or foes,

is that frienship?

so i've been told.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


what is worse?
having no words to describe how you feel or to not have any words at all.
both lethal in their very own ways.
in the ruins of my mind i searched for me. through the memories. who was i? what was i like? 
what has become of me now? and which one is the real me? reminiscing i reckoned that i was only what the situation demanded me to be and nothing else at all.
nothing beyond the situation.
i have not an identity.
i know how to be but i do not know how the real me wants to be.
i think i'll find my peace when "i will be".

calmness surrounds me and resides within me.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Here i am again with thought of you in my mind
and just a thought you shall remain forever.
This is just another love-hate story
and unfinished business.